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Heather Bruce

A mother who became a student with her 6 week old baby in tow  . . and an acupuncturist in 1979 and working in the Brisbane city. Going through many ‘incarnations’ as a naturopath, a Western and Chinese herbalist, a Mercier and a ex Arvigo practitioner. I have now developed my own body of work – Heather’s Gentling Way.
We can work together on discovering why you are stuck. We need to find where your body needs help to reset itself back to self healing.

Julienne Tatkovic

After completing my Arts degree with a major in psychology, I started post graduate studies, however it dawned on me that the medical framework in which I was studying did not sit well for me. I started searching for a healing modality that resonated with me. That was Chinese medicine where the body, emotions and spirit were one and cannot be separated into parts..

April Wood

After significant birth trauma with my first, I was naturally drawn to supporting women through pregnancy and birth.

When my eldest was about 6 months old we moved from Melbourne up to Brisbane.

During this time I stumbled upon Heather and her work and was lucky enough to shadow and learn from Heather for over a year in her Brisbane clinic.

This time strongly influenced the way I work- with many techniques still being used on the majority of my patients (everyone loves a good sacral wake up and moxa fan!!).

It also had me thinking about how I work in an entirely new and exciting way.

Nearly 11 years later I came back in contact with Heather and after hearing about the extensive studies she has completed with a number of influential abdominal massage healers I wanted to learn more!

One of the most significant things I take away from this work is that gentle is the way forward.

There is no point trying to force the body to do something it isn’t ready to.

By offering time, space, safety, and support the body is able to gently unravel and go back to how it is meant to be.

What attracts me to this work?

What I love most about this work is that every single patient is different.

Every person who walks through my door recieves a unique treatment tailored specifically to them.

I love how gentle, subtle, yet amazingly profound this work is.

I love continuously growing as a practitioner, learning new techniques and tools to assist my patients, as well as building on my own knowledge base.

I can’t ever see myself getting bored of this amazing work!

Zoe Maitland

What really was happening to get me to do this.

After many years of my own abdominal pain I was constantly searching for someone who would work on my belly.

This was difficult to find and then I was referred to Heather.


My life changed.

Not only did I get relief from her body work but she also acted as a significant mentor as the new practitioner I was.

She initially guided me to the Arvigo techiques of Maya Abdominal Therapy and then onto her own specific teachings of the Gentling Way in which will be life long learning for me.

What attracts you to this work?

As I was originally a client of Heathers I have experienced myself receiving the healing this work can offer.

It is so nurturing and you feel completely held and supported whilst the body is allowed to heal.

I remember my first experience of the Steaming and how Heather created the perfect blend of herbs for me and allowed me to sit and steam overlooking her beautiful garden.

I was safe and I was able to just be me.

It is a soothing experience and very calming.

I find the steaming has a releasing effect.
Releasing of tension that’s stored in the body.

I love that this work is all about the individual.
It’s about holding space, using many different tools to assist the patient.
It’s gentle and nurturing and there is time in the sessions to allow people to unravel.

Tanya Kane

After allowing an emotionally abusive relationship in my early twenties, as part of which I chose to have two terminations, I experienced a depth of emotional trauma that resulted in the triggering of the autoimmune condition Ankylosing Spondilitis – an arthritis that characteristically effects the sacroiliac joints and spine.

After many years of misdiagnosis, and then limited options for management, I had the awakening that my condition was aggravated, if not caused, by my retroverted uterus creating pressure and anomalies in structures through my sacral area.

For many years I have tried different therapies to correct this, yet nothing truly addressed the problem in a deep enough way that would allow any physical changes to ‘stick’.

Upon finding Heather and her deeply important work, I feel I have finally found the ‘end’ to this story. Heather’s work addresses the emotional as well as physical scarring left from years of inflammation, and gives me a light at the end of this journey.

Coupling Heather’s gentle yet profoundly moving approach with Acupuncture and the other healing modalities I employ has seen wonderful shifts in the way I approach each client, and the deeply satisfying results we are achieving in the clinic.

Freeing and balancing the uterus and pelvis has added a profound depth to the work that I do, and it thrills me to see people hopping off the table feeling freer and more flowing than they have in years.

Structure determines function, and it is my sincere wish that I can help others find the path to healing of body, mind and soul as I have myself – through deep exploration and acceptance of the past, nourishing the body and mind with the right ingredients, and deeply moving body work to help undo the ‘life’ lived.



Banora Point, NSW

0413 672 160