Case studies


This site has been developed from Heather’s experiences of seeing Josi, in the last part of her third pregnancy, coupled with attending to one of her friends (Kaitie) as she travels along the same line in her first pregnancy.



Age: 21
Pregnancy Number: 1

When I started to see Heather, I was 28 weeks pregnant. The pregnancy back pain had already started and I was in discomfort just sitting or standing. I was annoyed by this as I didn’t want a pregnancy where pain was normal or expected. This is when I had the opportunity to see Heather.

The first encounter was great, she wanted to get to know about myself and how my pregnancy was travelling so far. She asked me questions about my general health prior to pregnancy as well. This is a great way to paint a picture. Her major question is “Why have you come to see me?” My response was simple: “I don’t want to have a complicated pregnancy and birth – I want it to be an experience I enjoy.”

My friend Josi had been seeing Heather throughout her pregnancy and I only heard great things about how she was encouraging and assisting Josi in having a complication free pregnancy and birth. I also heard that Heather was passionate about ‘What Dads can do’. I also wanted my Husband Jake to be involved in this journey and feel empowered to be able to encourage and help me throughout the pregnancy and birth.

After my first session with Heather I noticed a difference. Heather was hands on and great at explaining what she was doing, while doing it. This was so that I could understand how this is helping my body, as well as teaching Jake how he could help me. Heather started with cupping on my belly. This is to extract the cold. If our bodies are working as they should be, our body temperature throughout should be the same. This means that circulation is working properly. For myself, my body was quite cold and temperatures were changing from my hips to centre belly. This is where the cupping draws the cold to the centre point and promotes blood flow to increase the body temperature. This technique she was able to teach both myself and Jake to do at home. Heather introduced us to the concept of using a moxa stick and the benefits of moxa, another process we are able to do at home. The first appointment was educational and was setting Jake and myself up for a journey of learning about our bodies, about this pregnancy and birth.

Heather sent us home well equipped with a cup, moxa/ moxa stick, magnesium spray/ gel, the book of ‘What Dads can do’ and the details to the self-care package that she has.

Self-Care Package: What a great course and package to purchase. Heather has spent time and research into creating a self-care package that is educational and designed to teach you how to improve your own body health. Heather’s ‘Self-Care Package’ is broken into three areas: The Healing Power of Touch, Love your Body Better and Foundational Moves. This package is not only for pregnant women, it is for everyone. It goes through all that Heather was teaching Jake and I and in more detail. She provides great posters and charts that you can use as ‘cheat sheets’ to refer to.

It was safe to say that after that first appointment Jake and I walked away feeling relaxed, more confident that we can have a complication free birthing journey and excited about learning more about health and healing our bodies naturally.

My back pain was already gone after my first Heather visit and after Jake continuing to use Heather’s technique at home with me. I was comfortable in my body again, no pain when moving, sitting or sleeping. I was already sleeping well at night but after starting to see Heather I was sleeping even better.

Leaving the hospital with little Tommy at 3 days old. The journey was really smooth. After the months of preparation in opening the baby gate we had an easy transition and could not have expected it to go any easier. After only 16 minutes of breathing and pushing, the birthing part was a lot easier than some of the contractions.out it . . .

Back ache?
What about it ?
None – and all past hip and back pain is gone!


Age: 29
Pregnancy Number: 3

Josi and Chris did all they were asked to – nightly.
The ‘What Dads Can Do‘ work – was pivotal – in addition to the health retrieval needed then the undoing of past brithing injuries and life residue (such a weird tailbone configuration – no wonder all 4 bubs – twins second time – were breech!) After 2 C sections and apparently no chance of birthing – here we have a jubilant labour story…

I was coping well with contractions I thought we had a few hours still… The car trip was interesting – I was lying on my left at start and then on all 4s. 3/4 on the way through I yelled at Chris to stop playing my birthing music and started swearing I also yelled I don’t wanna push a baby out in the car and got a bit distressed. I told him to just drive. Sensations had changed and I felt a lot of pressure inside. He kind of thought I was loosing my focus and going into anxiety/fear and told me a bit off and said I need to focus. Neither of us realising I was in transition. I made him call the hospital to bring a wheel chair or the entry. I was fixated on the GPS that said 15 min to go… 14…

‘Upon arrival contractions were close, not sure how close, they wheeled me up did a quick scan of baby’s position ‘cos of previous ECV, I’m like who on earth wants to lie down on their back??! Babies head was quite low then. Chris was up with our stuff and he was like in settling in mode and I yell at him for not seeing when a contraction is coming and he needs to push stuff on my back I kept saying to the staff midwife who was lovely, that I just feel so much pressure. She said probably just the fluid that needs to release. 1 min later, waters broke while I was leaning over the bed. Clear fluids!

‘2 contractions after that – I can feel baby descend – I said to midwife I need to start pushing. She says OK – let’s take your pants off, I wobble over to the shower and am on all 4s. By that time 2nd midwife came in and Meg arrived 10 min after. Meg helped me to reposition into a bit of a side lunge, which helped. Then I just said I think I need to stand up, they helped me. By that time he was crowning, shower was off and I just leaned into Chris. Meg helped reminding me to do little pushes and instead of yelling all my energy out, focusing the energy down through breathing and panting, which really helped.

‘It was an incredible sensation to feel that my body just took over. Like I just needed to push, there was nothing I could do against it. His head was out (anterior) and he turned, to the side which was the weirdest sensation. I yelled at the midwife – please don’t touch me – everything was so sensitive and she was like – sweetie it’s your baby turning!

After that within a few sec, next contraction and he was all out.
Midwife lifted him up and he started crying immediately.

‘It was the most amazing feeling ever.

From the time we got there until baby was out, it was 45 min. Placenta took a bit longer – it was literally just as the OB walked in as we had hit the 1 hr mark and Meg guides me through a ‘thank you’ placenta thing to release it and it went whoosh and all was out. We did try pressure points, homeopathics and position changes before that.

‘Jonathan wasn’t feeding straight away, lots of vocalising, so Chris took over with skin to skin so I could have a rest. Bleeding was only 200 ml, less than I ever bled before. They checked for tears, everything beautifully intact, just swollen and a few grazes.

‘Honestly, the best feeling ever. To just walk out, feeling amazing.

All the OBs on duty and midwives came in and congratulated us and mentioned how beautiful it was to see without CTG tracing and that I had a physiological 3rd stage. We got discharged at 11 am that morning (he was born at 4.45).

So yes, what a healing journey!!!!! And the baby did just nearly fall out as you said!!!!
