Birth workers

‘An amazing resource – something for the dads to do to get them involved. They need to be practicing at home before labour, as although it is easy and the dads ‘get it’, mum needs to trust him and his abilities and this comes through home work in the weeks leading into labor. The most important part of this work is that it is positive. Dad instead of not knowing what to do, has a guide, and can be incredibly useful. When dad has been practicing at home, when in labour he is such a valuable asset as he takes the place of an epidural – they have danced this act before – she trusts him, he knows what to do and it all just flows. Beautiful!!!’

Liz, Brisbane

“As an acupuncturist (over 30 years) and a Childbirth Educator (over 15 years)  and having worked with expectant couples and new parents on both sides of the Tasman, I am confident that Heather’s work can and will make a difference in the wonderful world of birth. Her techniques are a current take on ancient wisdom, in a readily accessible package for anyone, regardless of their previous knowledge of either birth or acupuncture.

I especially appreciate Heather’s attention to referencing and cross-referencing her work, thus enabling the reader to quickly go to the part of the book they need with a minimum of effort. Her work will be of interest not only to couples but also to other health professionals with an interest in facilitating natural childbirth.”

Paddy McBride

We do get into funny positions whilst working on mums. . .

It all works . .
Mum is loved up and the pelvis is primed.

All you do makes a difference.
Comfort and harmony and easy sleeping await you.
Digestion and emotions all stable . .
Regardless of how mum an baby are to meet.

Resources – all ready for you here . .