All mums/bubs/dads need

More oxytoxin and ‘feel good’ moves. .

I developed this set of resources so parents would stay together to be happy grandparents together.

Bub is always my consideration
This work was born of my life experiences.
I saw so many men sidelined as the midwife/doctor/woman friend – someone else – took over – his role.

Here is the result . .

‘What Dads Can Do’ is such a wealth of things to do in all stages of pregnancy and afterwards – not just a labour help. Invaluable when I had had baby and did not know what to do – there was always something to do

My husband found the book very good, especially after baby was born. In the first few weeks after her birth he really focused his attention on making a beautiful environment for us as a family, and my time to bond with her and to rest my body. He also found the book really useful when I suffered a bout of mastitis in her third week. It helped both of us understand the importance of rest, rest and more rest!” Emma, Brisbane

“Thanks for a great resource. The index in the back is particularly useful, as are the page references throughout”. Lyndal, Brisbane

“If I worried about something at 2 in the morning, I would go to the book to see if I should be worried or not. I would always find what bothered me covered in it, and Heather never said – ‘don’t worry’ or ‘go to your doctor’ – she always said what was happening and what to do to bring myself back into balance. What a resource!! I never found a question unanswered!!! I always came away happy and knowing what I could do to help myself”. Amanda, Sunshine Coast

“On Heather’s suggestion, my husband put me on the toilet sitting backwards and rubbing my back every time there was a contraction and it was great. He was so busy and attentive it really felt like we were in this together.  I couldn’t have asked for a better birth partner and father and husband but next time we have a baby I would listen to him a little more and not worry if I was upsetting the hospital staff…Marnie, Brisbane

“We were well into the moxa and massage a couple of times a week. My husband would put the same CD on each time, and oil me up for what could have passed for torture. (Funnily enough, it is this same CD that now brings baby back down to earth if he is uptight or upset in the car). The use of moxa, and its effects on me must have been greater than we thought at the time for him to have this reaction to the music.) My backside was a series of bruises, but at the same time, as the weeks passed, the pain lessened and each massage was teaching me more about my body, pain thresholds and how to manage.

We used ‘What Dad’s Can Do’ as our point of reference for everything, particularly as by this stage, I was fairly preoccupied with the concept of labour – what would it be like? How was it possible and is it ever going to happen? The advice that Heather has given us has been logical and without risk. It all came down to changing our point of reference. Health and naturally doing it for ourselves”. Tricia, Sydney

I wish every woman could have a copy of this book. I have used it so many times now I don’t leave home without it, just in case I should come across a pregnant woman. It has helped me understand how to keep my body in balance emotionally and physically, and it validates my own intuitions time and time again. All those conditions people will tell you are ‘common’ – I have known in my heart are actually symptoms of my body asking for help, asking me to change in some way, heal in some way. Finally now with ‘What Dads Can Do’ I have found a manual to show me HOW to change; HOW to heal; that my instincts are valid and my baby deserves the attention it is requesting through my body.

My partner and I have successfully referred to this book and it’s detailed, step by step instructions for myself, and friends many times – prenatal massage, constipation, digestive upsets, nausea and post-birth internal scarring.

I experienced a threatened miscarriage at 17 weeks, and with guidance from Heather through this book – we put into action with simple techniques, and a faith in my body’s ability to heal itself, all was well. This book is detailed, accurate and practical and I cannot recommend it highly enough to parents, midwives, doctors and anyone in contact with pregnant women”. Kerrie, country Victoria

My first birth was SOOOO traumatic. When I discovered I was pregnant with number two, I had a strong experience of morning sickness. Athough trained in acupuncture, the theory simply had no effect and my nausea would not abate. I was distraught with discomfort and didn’t know why. Luckily, some friends lent us ‘What Dads Can Do’ and I consequently came to see Heather for sessions. She suggested the trauma of my first labour was a cause of the nausea, and the invasion of the cold when I was in post partum shock. Of course! I thought. How practical and useful and a simple explanation.

Heather cupped my navel, which was very intense but highly effective – unfortunately, something else that we did not learn at college. After this and the associated moxa, my nausea subsided considerably. I took Chinese herbs and Kalianna’s Birth Trauma Essences. All were very helpful, but I was still worried about going back to hospital.

Our copy of ‘What Dad Can Do’ was very WELL  READ. The DVD is so easy to follow – all that moxa and massage – just for me!! Lucy, Brisbane (Note from Heather – A much easier birth – followed by a home birth for number 3).

‘I can’t believe how the massage and moxa have sorted out the back and neck tension. At this stage of pregnancy to be able to sleep again is amazing!! The baby is moving around now (trying to get into right position) and I feel so much more comfortable. As soon as my husband comes home, he has work to do – and it has completely eased up the back problems I thought were due to just being pregnant. Thank you so much!!! ‘                                             Carol, Wilston

“The labour was wonderful with pretty much all of it at home with Steve being an absolute rock doing continuous massage /moxa etc from your wonderful book.  Our beautiful boy – all 11 lb 1 oz of him – was so much easier to birth than his 9lb sister – I had to get cut to get her out – all that massage/moxa meant that I only have a wee tear that doesn’t warrant stitches, Your book has been a godsend, thank you Heather, I have really appreciated it”. Diane, Greymouth, NZ

Then there is dad . .

“He was complaining about his gut . .I got out WDCD and turned to the section on the gut … read up about the points and the massage I could do and got to it. Now, Anthony is a skeptic and not fully “with” me on the whole natural remedies thing but he agreed to let me do my thing (or your thing actually). Anyway did the back massage top and bottom and then got into massaging points ST 37, 39 and 40 and then Th 6. Well, within 20 minutes I asked him how his stomach was feeling and he replied it was actually feeling so much better – amazing!!!! I was blown away – I touched the points again where I had massaged (like you do with me) and he was amazed that they weren’t hurting any more and neither was his gut.


The instructions were easy to read, understand and do and clearly not just for mums”. Stacey, Brisbane

All you do makes a difference.
Comfort and harmony and easy sleeping await you.
Digestion and emotions all stable . .
Regardless of how mum an baby are to meet.

Resources – all ready for you here . .