What and How and Why and What to do . .
This may be you – and you have NO IDEA
Almost no one does. .
This is a shocking discovery for most.
All it takes is lying down and lifting your head up.
Gently check if there is any separation.
All the way down the belly – from below the ribs to pubic bone
I see so many young children – who has massive separations.
This denotes weakness at a fundamental level that needs correction.
The most important feature is DEPTH – and closing the gap once you discover it – will allow the past weakness in digestion etc to all fade away.
This is my fingers disappearing Width of the separation
Straight in. (Between my two fingers top hand)
After 3rd birth,
4th baby,
aged 10 weeks at the time . .
Get your own!
Ideally get measured across the back of the hips at 36 weeks – if pregnant still.
Can also wear this after pregnancy – you need it to start with space to move the tabs together – the velcro is remarkably useful.
I suspect as with the original Benkung binding – you can start this however long it was ago that you were split – and continue wearing until it IS pulled together.
How it works . . Attach top loops Continue from the bottom up
This 100% cotton Modern BengKung was designed with the hot Queensland weather in mind. You can apply it on your own, go to the bathroom without unravelling meters of material only to replace afterward. The soft loop velcro straps allows for easy adjustment suitable for any body shape. PLUS: it helps correct – diastasis recti – aiding in the healing process, helps corrects posture and great for a sore post birth back, and stabilises the pelvis. Others have said that this is great for a sore back, it makes me feel secure. Reviews on other similar products claim that they there abdominal organs were pushed downwards causing a lot of pain on their sutured perineum. The Bengkung prevents this from happening making it the ideal Postpartum Recovery Garment for every new mom. This would be a perfect Baby Shower Gift. – Rangimarie Smith – Private Midwife
Being fitted for a Bengkung binding belt
Here Josi is also wearing a faja – they do a totally different job.
She felt an instant change in her body then – comforted withe the binding belt – supported by the faja.
As you wear this, the tabs are easier to pull in as they allow the repair . See more here.
Order yours here .
Other wraps . . see more here
You can see how using the wrap above is so much simpler!!
And faster – and one only person needed.
Belly binding – Indonesia – where it all started ..
Diastasis . .
Not only after pregnancy .
(And it does often self correct – my own one was 4 fingers wide after the C section for Mr now almost 25 years old.
Acupuncturists may speak of ‘Spleen Qi Xu‘ – that is weakness in digestion/holding function – and here we see it in the physical – and in almost all people I touch – I find this now – not so even 5 years ago.
Past – it is there – why?
I suspect a combination of factors, not the least being the inclusion of chemicals such as Roundup that is genetically modifying us all. Glycine – an amino acid (protein) needed for life) is approximated by glycosphate and may well be the culprit – ‘more research needed’ – but the epidemic and tsunami of this now in my clinic shows me that something is seriously wrong.
As an Arvigo (r) worker – a move I wish to do to massively encourage better blood and lymph) flow to the lower belly cannot be performed with the open muscles – and this is almost everyone now.
Often they are completely unaware – but may have other tendencies to droop: Spleen Qi not happy comes in many guises.
What to do about the connective tissue weakness that has resulted in an abdominal muscle separation?
After baby is how people usually see this – and online is all they talk about.
That is only one way – and a common one – as the recuperation and life repair is missed so often now.
Belly binding is great way after baby – regardless of entry point into the word – to assist mum to heal.
All traditional cultures ‘closed the bones’/held ceremonies to ensure mamas were intact again.
(Getting a clearance for sex from a doctor hardly qualifies here). I am speaking of inner integrity – and a sense of being back to self.
Here is a young lad who was not made well – due to chemical poisoning in utero – and how this pays out is his gut is not great at supporting life – undigested food in stools and a body that is compromised – see the gap!
I could lose my fingers in this.
What to do to help yourself with your own hands?
Before and after any moves – let us get the lymph (waste products/fluid transport) activated ’round and round’
Very gently and shallow – hardly touching – and with warm flat hands – not pokey.
Follow the bones around the perimeter of the belly/pelvis.
Ideally initially 9 times and then after each move/set of moves below –
at least once more.
Gentle and slow is the key to all this work
It did not happen in a hurry usually – and you may need to have patience – and look after yourself (no crunches at the gym) forever after. Your body will thank you by working so much better – when you stop punishing it.
Again – a perfect baby shower present . . A useful helper
Found here
Please use with faja . .
(To ‘gird your loins’. .. )
They do very different things – and WORK!!!
Order here . .
Click on the image to see how to size yourself for the right fit.