Opening your body to its natural flows . .

Means sometimes we have to start again.
Or get started


To make siblings – or ANY baby

Whether this is baby 1, baby 4 or baby 10. . .

Foundations of a house . .

Please consider the baby as being only made the once.
As perfect as you can make him/her.

Much like you do not TRY to build a house
Please do not TRY to make a baby . .

Creating another’s life is the most responsible thing you will ever do. Leave yourselves the space and the inner resources to do a spectacular job.


How much time between?

Think of this from baby’s eyes – both of them – the one you have – and the one you want to add in.

What would happen in nature? Safety – only when the toddler is old enough, and independent enough would another be started.  We can choose to hurry this up. Is it what baby would want though? Looking 10, 20 years in the future – was it wise to do so?

The classic statement seems to be ‘to get it over and done with’ (I have been hearing this for the past 40 years).

What is the rush? We need the nutrients, the sense of contentment within mum to make another. And sleep – to replenish. There is the older sibling to consider. How much more of you can you give when they are still so young?
Can we have fun – and not be manipulated by the media presentation of what is possible?


Not yet had ONE baby?

Look to why not.

Baby recipe:

Like a cake recipe – you need to start with ingredients . .

The most important is being missed – farmers would start with a great stud NEED perfect sperm (from a super healthy dad to be)

Add to perfect periods and easy ovulation – the report card of a healthy mum to be.

And plant in a happy nest.

Begin as the standard farmer would – ensuring breeding goes perfectly.

Maybe look


Want to make it all easy – follow nature. In my 4 decades of working at this interface I usually see people when nothing else has worked. And usually we come up with solutions – very occasionally – maybe eventually using IVF technology – but usually instead of – as when we get mum and dad to be well – nature happens as she is supposed to. Otherwise you may get what you did not anticipate and may be now needing to start from the beginning – no short cuts possible in building a grand house – or a better baby naturally.


Open the pelvis
Get the flows flowing . .
The moxa and massage will also assist the optimal beginnings of life.

See more here  .

Especially dads – as they hold the key .



What to do?

Opening the baby gate is also for you.

Restoring the flows so the body can realign, heal and start up what is natural. Sex making babies easily.