Out to meet the world



Baby and placenta are here.
You are basking in quiet.


Enjoy . .

There is so much going on!
Baby has just had the most momentous journey of his/her life.  From being totally dependent to having to take on a lot of his/her own life business. The cord having provided life flows now changes. Immense shifts in bub’s body. No need to have anything other than mum’s arms, bonding safely. No one needs to know anything.  Just Be.

Allow baby to have all his/er blood back int9o his /her body – and all is well. has all the blood Life support – the intact cord and mum. Life line.  . umbilical cord – may be left there attached – maybe ask why would you?   Lotus Birth . .

Why the cord blood needs to go back to baby?


Hold bub close and let him/her get settled into breathing, temperature control.

Initially just gazing around to see what has just happened.


The time for others is later.