Why do we talk of a ‘baby gate’?

When I was preparing Josi to have her jubilant birth, I realised that no birth professional ‘goes there’.

They could stand back and give opinions. These may be based on other people, what is written, what is acceptable ‘knowledge’ presently – or even – what happened to her mum – and her maternal line. BUT they do not check to see if her pelvis is ready – open or shut. Like a gate. Are there blockages?  If there have been accidents/incidents and life experiences that will create dramas when it is to actually surrender to the surges that accompany baby’s arrival.

We want bub to emerge as nature expects – easily. We could make sure it is possible. My suggestion is to open the pelvis so the process is not held back. This in turn makes makes birthing painful. Complicated even.

Start with the charts – easy instructions. Pelvic childbirth education using your partner’s loving hands.

Intro -  Ligaments

Loosen yourself up
Self Help manual, water magnesium, moxa.

Being pain free

Pain is due to an obstruction
Take out the obstructions –
Take out the cold.



When she is ready . .

Needed – the right ingredients, and all being where it should be.
In the baby’s time – the baby dance begins – gently.
This gains momentum as mum and baby interact with natural hormones take into account all that is unfolding.

In the weeks leading up to baby meeting . .

We open her up to pelvic surrender . .

All this and much more in the resources . . .